College of Saint Mary
Office of Alumni and Donor Relations
7000 Mercy Road
Omaha, Neb. 68106
Phone: 402-399-2400
Gift in-kind acceptance form
Required Donor Information
Donor Affiliation with College of Saint Mary (check all that apply):
Certification of Requesting Party
I (we) desire to transfer the above items/property as a gift to the College of Saint Mary. I (we) do hereby irrevocably assign, transfer, and give all my (our) right, title, and interest in the above described items/property to CSM. To the best of my (our) knowledge the items/property is/are fit for intended use, in good operating condition and, if properly operated, will not cause danger or damage to College property or personnel.
I (we) warrant that I (we) have complete and clear title to the Gift in Kind and the authority to make the gift. I (we) am (are) aware that acceptance and disposition of donations are governed by the policies of the College of Saint Mary without approval by me (us).
Please contact Alumni and Donor Relations at alumni@csm.edu or 402-399-2330.
By clicking Next you will have submitted your form.