For 2024-2025, the Learning Council will use the following priorities for awarding funds. Please note: While you may be eligible, your application is not guaranteed to be funded.
1. Presenters and Award Recipients at conferences (application MUST discuss the presentation or award with the
title and description)
2. Attendance at conferences (applications MUST be complete with all required documentation submitted and
CLEAR connections to the applicant’s current position)
3. College/University courses (applications MUST be complete with all documentation including course name and
description). It does not have to be an accredited program and the $1200 may be used for tuition, fees, books,
and supplies for the course.
4. Workshops or events (again all applications MUST be complete)
The Professional Development committee reviews applications by priority, then by date submitted within the priority, to allocate funds. Applications missing any piece of information or supporting documentation (incomplete applications) are denied. Applicants can resubmit a complete application for consideration at the next scheduled meeting.