By submitting this form I acknowledge that if I choose to activate a email account, it will be supplied to me only under the provision that I follow all regulations set forth by Stetson University:
- University electronic mail services must not be used for unlawful activities, unsanctioned commercial purposes, political campaigns, or personal financial gain.
- Identity theft, including the use of another persons username or password is strictly prohibited.
- Users must never imply that they are speaking on behalf of the university unless expressly authorized to do so.
- Broadcast messages, chain letters, and all forms of bulk mailing are not allowed.
Users and non-users must not encourage, collaborate, or tolerate the violation of these guidelines by any other person. It is university policy that anyone with knowledge or suspicions of violations must report this information to the Information Technology Department. Stetson University reserves the right to revoke email privileges in response to any breach of the above protocol.