Nashville State Community College
Thank you for sharing your concerns about yourself or another Nashville State Falcon. When submitting a Care Referral, the Student Resource Manager/Social Worker makes every effort to help the Nashville State student, faculty, and staff feel safe and supported. The Student Resource Manager/Social Worker works with students to address problems or obstacles and assists students in finding college and community resources while encouraging student success.
Referrals are reviewed and processed during college business hours only.
If there is an imminent threat to anyone's safety or if there is an emergency in progress, please DO NOT COMPLETE A REFERRAL until after calling Nashville State Community College Police and Security at: (615-353-3273)
Please note that we must report elder abuse, child abuse, and/or sexual misconduct to the appropriate agencies. In honoring the safety of students, staff, and faculty, we cannot guarantee confidentiality. However, care referrals will not be a part of an NSCC student's academic transcript.
If you doubt whether the situation is serious, please err on the side of caution and complete a referral.
For student behavior-related issues, contact Dr. Julie Williams (, Associate Vice President – Student Affairs.
When a care referral is submitted, the Student Resource Manager makes every effort to help our students, faculty, and staff feel safe and supported. The Student Resource Manager is here to help a student address a problem, find resources, and cope with the stresses of life. By filling out the following care referral, you continue to make Nashville State Community College a caring community.
If a student is planning to harm themselves or others, please contact Mobile Crisis (615-726-0125) or NSCC Security (615-353-3273) for safety reasons. We are also obligated to report elder abuse, child abuse, and/or sexual misconduct to the appropriate agencies. In honoring the safety of students, staff, and faculty, we cannot guarantee confidentiality. However, care referrals will not be a part of a student’s academic transcript for NSCC.
If you are in doubt about whether or not the situation is serious, please err on the side of caution and file this report.
For issues related to a student’s behavior, please contact Julie Williams, Associate Vice President – Student Affairs.
Name of Person Completing Referral:
Please Select NSCC Campus:
Contact Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
This information is only used for contact purposes. Your identity will not be shared with the student without your knowledge.
Is the situation urgent?
Please contact Mobile Crisis (615-726-0125) or NSCC Security (615-353-3273) for safety reasons.
Please select from one of the following to describe the nature of the concern (answer yes to all that apply):