Galveston College Incident Report
Last Name:
First Name:
Role at Galveston College:
Type of Primary Complaint:
People Involved in the Incident
List all the individuals involved and include as much information as possible, including whether those persons are GC students or not.
Complainant - Person(s) that had the incident happen to them, or witnessed and incident they would like to report
Respondent - Person(s) or student organization who allegedly is responsible for causing the incident.
Witness - Person(s) who witnessed or has some direct knowledge of the incident.
Complainant Information:
Include full name, role at GC,
phone number, department or
organization, etc.
Give as much information as possible.
Repsondant Information:
Include full name, role at GC,
phone number, department or
organization, etc.
Give as much information as possible.