Prince George's County Promise Scholarship Application
Continuing Education Certificate/Licensure Applicants Only
Please note this application is ONLY for Prince George's County Promise Scholarship applicants interested in pursuing a continuing education certificate/licensure.
Associate degree seekers should identify their interests when they submit their college application. If an associate degree seeker completed the college application without completing the Promise Scholarship section, please email scholarships@pgcc.edu.
Please take your time and ensure that you enter the correct information. All questions with an * are mandatory.
Must use your 7 digit PGCC Student ID #
DO NOT use your PGCPS email address
*Complete the question above only if you give the Special Scholarships Program permission to send scholarship information to your parent/guardian*
Format - Year only (XXXX)
By pressing SUBMIT, I certify that all information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
If you do not reach a confirmation page after submitting the form, we did not receive your information.
Please email Scholarships@pgcc.edu for assistance submitting the form.