Lakeshore Student College Withdrawal Form
My top reason for deciding to leave Lakeshore College is:
(select one)
Other reasons for deciding to leave Lakeshore College are:
(select any additional reasons that may apply)
What could Lakeshore College have done to help you stay enrolled?
(select all that apply)
Did you speak with anyone prior to your decision to leave Lakeshore College?
(Select all that apply)
Lakeshore College does not discriminate against protected classes, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or gender – including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or age in employment, admissions, or its programs or activities. To handle inquiries regarding Lakeshore's nondiscrimination policies, contact the Educational Support Services Manager (students) 920.693.1120, nicole.yang@gotoltc.edu / Executive Director of Human Resources (staff/others) 920.693.1158, marissa.holst@gotoltc.edu. 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI 53015. TTY 711 gotoltc.edu/equal-opportunity-statement