Joliet Junior College
Operations Engineering & Technician Degree Program
Application for the Fall 2025 Cohort
(Application period: February 1 - February 28, 2025)
Students applying for the Joliet Junior College's Operations Engineering and Technician program must complete this application. If you have not applied to Joliet Junior College, you must first complete an admissions application to be a student before completing this application.
Why apply? The petrochemical, nuclear, and manufacturing industry needs skilled workers! With growth and the retiring workforce, that means these major employers will need more new workers over the next decade. The Operations Engineering and Technician program will prepare you for these well-paying, stable, challenging careers. For more information on the OET program, visit
This is a selective program, and individuals will need to apply during the application period to gain entrance. Applicants must meet the minimum qualifications in order to qualify to be selected into the program. Applicants are required to have all transcripts, placement tests, SAT and/or ACT scores on file at Joliet Junior College by the application close date of February 28, 2025.
Those accepted into these majors must commit to attending Joliet Junior College as a full-time student in the OET Cohort starting Fall 2025. The program will take two years to complete, and each student will be required to do an internship during the Summer 2026 semester. You will receive information regarding the status of your application by the end of March.