TAP for Career Training Programs Pre-Elgibility Application
- Students interested in Emergency Medical Service, Health Coach, Community Health Worker, or Childhood Development may qualify for TAP
- To determine TAP eligibility, students must complete botht he FAFSA and TAP applications. FAFSA must be completed first.
- Students must have resided in NYS for a period of 12 months to qualify for TAP
- If you need assistance with the FAFSA or TAP application process, please contact or visit our Financial Aid Office: Call 718-368-4644 or email us at finaid@kbcc.cuny.edu Office hours along with ZOOM links are available on https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/financialaid/index.html
- Please apply for FAFSA after filling out the TAP pre-eligibility application by clicking here: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa